Technological advancements in inflatable technology have redefined the way in which industry professionals are performing abrasive blasting operations.

Technological advancements in inflatable technology have redefined the way in which industry professionals are performing abrasive blasting operations. Whether you’re sand blasting, soda blasting, garnet blasting, ice blasting, or blasting with another abrasive media, you should ask yourself the following question: Can I get the job done more effectively and save time, money and resources in the process? The answer may well be yes, and here’s why: With traditional blast booths and chambers your abrasive blasting operation needs to take place back at your home base where expensive blast booth space may lay idle while rent is being paid. In most instances that valuable space could well be better utilized to undertake operations that increase return to your bottom line. But what if your blast booth could disappear when not in use? A great example is how Queensland Air Services saved heaps by utilizing their hanger space wisely. Inside their expensive hanger workshop mu...